Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sex, Drugs and Corridos

 Growing up my ideal lifestyle would have been centered around sex, drugs and rock and roll. I grew up in the inner city so drugs and alcohol were an easily obtained goal, and the guys that I hung out with started a band, so the rock and roll was no problem. I was kind of a shy and quiet kid, but hell with enough drugs and partying with a band, women (girls) and sex should be no problem. My ideal, rockstar lifestyle was off to a kickass start. Well that was many years ago and a few of my thoughts on the ideal lifestyle have somewhat changed. I will admit though, that most of my old friends would be proud of me for my choices in life and sticking to my beliefs and not giving up, regardless of the consequences. The only thing is, most of my old friends are no longer with us.
  When I was trying to get this thing started I was supposed to come up with a catchy, unique address for it. Sex, drugs and rock and roll was the first thing that came to mind, but apparently some  very creative, and brilliant person had the same idea, because it wouldn't let me use it. Recently I found out that there are ballads, poetic type songs that are popular now. Many of them are about the life and times of some of the most wanted outlaws of modern times. This type of song is called a corrido. I have not actually heard one yet, but I guess it would be like a gangster rap, only country. Maybe like Easy E doing F*#k Tha Police to the tune of Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.. I'm really not sure, but I do know that is how the address to my blog was born, and don't try to find a corrido on MTV...they don't even play music any more.

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